Parbery Family WebSite
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Nicole & Emma outside our room with Pool & Camel Back Mtn in the distance

Bar Balcony view across the pools

Emma meets Gina - cook out !

Gina with Emma in between marinating the steaks !

Emma playing at dinner in the back yard

Emma standing-up

Close up picture at balcony of the bar

Stewart & Emma at the Pool

In front of the fountain by our room

Emma meets the ducks by our bedroom patio

Emma shows keen interest in the ducks

Emma chases the ducks

Nice hug for Emma

Emma smiling at folks walking by

Stewart & Emma at lunch by the pool

Each day myself and Emma hang around the pool in the sun

Emma is introduced to the swimming pool for the first time !

Stewart and Emma in the Swimming Pool

Enjoying a Cocktail by the pool

Balcony of the bar

Emma asleep in Gina's arms at a great Italian restaurant

Emma in the lounge chair by the pool

Emma waiting for the waitress with Gerber cocktails!

Emma relaxing by the pool - sign of things to come !

Frankie Laying on Bed

Emma ready for bed - after a busy trip !

Frankie Laying on Bed

Frankie Laying on Bed