Parbery Family WebSite
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Crumpet joins our family in February 2007

Emma taking Crumpet on her first real walk outdoors, at Freedom Park in Charlotte 2007

We go to Lake Wyle on Tracey & Chester's boat, just outside Charlotte 2007

Stewart, Emma and Crumpet at a wine bar in Charleston 07

Emma's Annual Dance - The Theatre downtown Charlotte 07

Emma the dancer, trying her luck as a dancer from Hawaii

Emma and Nicole outside the Dance Theatre after the show

Emma on stage with her dance teacher after the show

Crumpet loves the swimming pool

Crumpet after being in the pool !

Emma and Crumpet at Breakfast

Stewart & Crumpet greet Emma returning home on her school bus

Emma's Six Year Old Birthday Party at a Pottery Shop in Charlotte

Emma's birthday party is painting pottery with a bunch of her friends

Emma at the table with friends

Emma enjoying painting pottery

Painting pottery seems a hit with the kids

Emma and all the kids

Emma and Libby at Emma's Birthday Party, Six Years Old

Nicole's Always had Plenty of Puff !

Emma blowing the candles out on her cake

After a large dinner, Stewart & Crumpet Relax

Crumpet seated on the back of a chair in the den

Crumpet dreaming of the next meal !

Christmas Day 2007 - Morning

Emma dresses as Hannah Montana, showing of her new wig and guitar she received as Christmas gifts

Emma with the Snorkel gift; alongwith a Water Scooter gift from Mark - summer 08 will be a lot of fun!

Nicole & Emma posing; which they both enjoy - before Stewart & Nicole go out to Toscana - New Years Eve 2007