Parbery Family WebSite
Parbery Family WebSite
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Chutneys Mother

Emma losing her baby teeth

Chutney - spicy, sweet and expensive

Crumpet shows Chutney around the garden

Emma cuddling with the two dogs

Crumpet shows Chutney where the food bowl is

Crumpet and Chutney playing in the garden

Crumpet after being groomed

Walking to bus for last day of First Grade

Emma School Party to celebrate end of first grade - June 6 2008

Party at School

Nicole helping out at Emma School to run the kids party

Emma making a drink with fruit at the party

Snake in the classroom

Emma drink in hand

Emma indulging in fruit drink

Kids enjoying the party

School Direction to Kids

Emma and her teacher Ms Barnett

Emma and her lead teacher Mrs Girouard

Leaving the school

Emma dancing ballet at the Theatre - June

Emma dancing

Afterwards, outside the stage

Emma and Stewart in the pool

Emma and Crumpet in the pool

Crumpet swimming, both Crumpet & Chutney love the water

Nicole & Emma posing; which they both enjoy - before Stewart & Nicole go out to Toscana - New Years Eve 2007