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Mazzianos Restaurant for Emmas 7th Birthday

We have a bunch of Emmas Friends join us at the Italian Restaurant

All the girls have a marvelous time

Halloween 2008, Emma is a witch this year

Emma leaving house to meet her friends and begin Trick or Treat

Emma and her good friend Mary-John

Many of the local homes are very much dressed for the Halloween Evening

Emma and Mary-John in a neighbours garden

Spooky Evening

November 2008 - A friend of mine offers us his mountain home for a long week-end, in Blowing Rock, NC

We find a nice restaurant in Blowing Rock for our first night

Fabulous views from the balcony of my friends house; three levels looking down from the top of the mountain

Great views across the North Carolina Mountains

We go hiking on trails along the BlueRidge Parkway

Emma climbing on rocks

Chutney taking Nicole for a walk...

Chutney loves rolling around in the leafs

Some old historical homes along some trails

Stewart and Emma at the end of one of the trails

Emma has worked-up an appetite, so she munches on a bowl of hot chowder

Morning on the balcony - marvelous views, great way to start the day

We find a nice stream along a trail on the second day of hiking

Nicole and Emma posing by the stream

Emma playing inside an old tree

Emma with Crumpet and Chutney

Crumpet with a show-dog pose for the camera

Chutney chilling-out after a morning hike...

Crumpet and Chutney have the back of the Land Rover as their travel space; as Chutney is normally sick, I think Crumpet would prefer another spot!