Parbery Family WebSite
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We stock up the wine rack in preparation for Nick arrival

Rhonda Campbell paintings look good in the newly painted dining room

Rhonda Campbell painting in the lounge

View of an alleyway in Charleston

Emma and Nicole

Typical street scenes in Charleston South Carolina

Typical street scenes in Charleston

Charleston streets have some great buildings and scenes

Nicole at the xmas tree at our hotel in Charleston

Nicole at the Xmas Tree at the Vendue Hotel in Charleston

We return to hotel after dinner with Nick to find that Emma has taken over the four poster bed !!

Queen Emma causes myself and Nicole to have to sleep on the fold away bed - she is the boss !

Emma loves Nicoles Hat

Nick and Emma and Stewart on the Charleston waterfront one morning

We all go to Middleton Plantation and Stewart and Emma feed the horses

Middleton Plantation in South Carolina

Middleton Plantation

Middleton Plantation

Christmas Day morning and Emma sees that Santa has eaten the biscuits and drank the milk we left for him but left some chocolate - ooooo boy

Opening gifts on Christmas Morning

Opening gifts on Christmas Morning

We all drive to the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina

Emma at the restaurant in the town of Blowing Rock in the mountains of North Carolina

Nicole and Nick relaxing in Blowing Rock after a nice lunch where Nick eat more fried cheese than you can imagine !

Nick, Emma and Nicole watching FINDING NEMO - each of them totally engrossed, Christmas Tradition is established as in 2000 it was Peter Pan and now it is FINDING NEMO - THIS PICTURE WAS TAKEN WITHOUT THEM KNOWING :-)

New Years Eve 2003 - Nick hugging Emma in the kitchen

Emma loves Nick being around

Emma seated in front of the tv with a sip of vino