Parbery Family WebSite
Parbery Family WebSite
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We awake on Christmas morning to a note from Santa

Emma notices that the milk and chocolate biscuit has been eaten by Santa

Our family Christmas Stockings

Emma dives into the stockings

Emma by the fireplace

Gifts under the tree

Emma by the tree

Emma loves Christmas

Emma loves Eloise - I wonder why ?

Emma wearing her Cinderella outfit

In Colorado tradition, we have buffaloe for dinner

Emma or Ciderella caught lurking by the fridge

Buffaloe and some good red wine

Emma in her jeans outfit

Emma loves the new jeans and shirt outfit

Emma and her new, beautiful black shawl

Santa on the fireplace

Emma is four and we host party with her friends at the YMCA

Gathering with her friends at the reception desk area

Emma loading some of her toys into the trolley

Emma's friends begin to gather

Princess Birthday Cake

Emma and friends chowing-down to cake etc

Stewarts brother Mark visits us from England, and playing with Emma in the pool

Mark and Emma playing in the pool

While Mark was here; one of the limbs from one of our trees falls on the house

Emma debut dance at the main theatre here in downtown Charlotte, she performs brilliantly in front of hundreds of people

Emma taking off her dance shows with Nicole after the show