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We arrive August 13th and tour the Mews of Buckingham Palace

Queens Coronation Coach; one of many ceremonial coaches that we see

Emma outside of Buckingham Palace

Emma seated at Queen Victoria Fountain

Emma indulging in Jam, Clotted Cream and Scones at Harrods

Emma finds some animal friends on the 5th floor at Harrods

Still day 1; we leave Harrods and move to Piccadilly Circus, Emma loves the Ice Creams

We move to China Town for our Day 1 Dinner, at Fung Shing Restaurant - great Chinese

Emma collapses at the dinner table, I cannot blame her - it's Day 1 and around 7:45pm in China Town

We get up early on Day 2 and visit St Pauls

Emma wants to take a traditional bus ride, our first old fashioned bus ride from St Pauls to Tower of London

We decide to sit upstairs on the bus, at the front - great views as we travel around the City

Day 2 - We meet Ashley, Natalie, Olivia and Astin at Tower of London

We take a cruise along the Thames, lucky to see Tower Bridge open for boats, classic view

Great view of Westminster and Big Ben

Emma and Olivia at the Fairground on the South Bank of the Thames

Emma, Olivia and Astin; the kids have had a great day

Emma and Olivia at St Katherine Dock, early evening day 2 - kids still full of energy

Day 5 - Sunday afternoon at the Walshe Residence - the boys are getting older, Ian fly's in from Zurich

Nick with Emma, Olivia and Astin in the garden

Nick playing with Emma and Olivia, the kids are giving Nick a WORK OUT

Day 6 - We travel by train to Andover, and see my brother Mark, have lunch in a great pub on the river

Day 6 - We travel to Salisbury and tour the Cathedral, see the Magna Carta

Day 8 - We travel to Monkey World in Dorset, great day out for us all

We have a great evening meal at an Indian Restaurant in Andover, Hampshire

Emma indulges in a big girl breakfast at Gatwick Airport

We fly home; it's been a great trip

In True Michel Palin fashion; we started our trip at Dean & DeLuca in Charlotte, we now return to our favourite place upon reaching home