Parbery Family WebSite
Parbery Family WebSite
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Emma at Columbia, SC zoo bears sleeping


Elephant park one of the best attractions

Emma and Nicole

Emma loved the zoo

Emma is 2 and opens her gufts

Emma has a bike

We take Emma out to dinner for her birthday

Emma loves PF Changs

Stewart and Emma

Emma loves the chopsticks

Emma knocks at Old Joes door at apt to deliver Trick or Treat

Emma as a princess

Emma loves the camera

We all go to Emmas School Church for evening of Halloween with the farm animals

Emma chasing some animals at the church

New home in Charlotte North Carolina

Back garden of house

Furniture arrives from Denver Colorado for unloading

Emma supervising

Emma enjoys playing in the leaves



Emma really enjoys the garden and all the leaves

England beat Australia Nov 22 in Sydney and win Rugby World Cup

Thanksgiving Turkey from Dean and Deluca - November 2003

Emma and Stewart cutting the turkey

Emma enjoying the fun of turkey cutting