Parbery Family WebSite
Parbery Family WebSite
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Emma and Stewart take morning bike ride from Biltmore Hotel in Scottsdale AZ

Emma at a restaurant in Scottsdale, Arizona

Emma with flour while cooking India food

Joseph comes our house to teach us how to cook Indian

Sept 27 2004 Emma opens birthday gifts

Emma and her first piggy bank

Emma starts saving

One of the most popular gifts with Emma, she plays for hours painting even 6 months later

Emma is becoming quite the artist

Emmas 3 yr birthday and chocolate cake

Emmas Cake

Halloween Party 2004 - Emma as Snow White

Emma by the front door and the pumpkins

Emma loves dressing-up !

Seated at the street party for Halloween

Do you know which one is Tracy ?

Chester and Samantha, humid climate plays tricks with your hair in North Carolina

Emma and Nicole

Emma as Snow White and Holt as Peter Pan

Our home at Halloween 04

Joan who lives across the street is a lot of fun, dressed as a witch

Tracy is the lady with the weird hair colour

Christmas Day 2004 opening gifts at home

Emma attacks the gifts

Emma LOVES the bike, this is the big gift for her this year....

Emma onto the streets of Charlotte

Our House Christmas Day, after painting and new windows

Emma made this at school for the Christmas Tree