Parbery Family WebSite
Parbery Family WebSite
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Nicole cuddles Emma

Mike Saber brings Cigars to the new Dad

Emma asleep

Stewart Cuddles Emma

Emma with her first football

Emma introduced to Boddingtons Beer from England

Emma in her England Football Shirt

Parvez comes by with some Champagne !

Emma on our bed playing

Emma takes a bath

Emma meets her first RedNeck !

Emma Playing

Emma in the pram outside the casa

Emma in her pram

Emma drinking milk

Emma awakes to her first Thanksgiving

Emma thinks of the turkey !

Mike and Amy join us for Thanksgiving 01

Mike explains Thanksgiving to Emma

The group about to eat the Turkey - we await Parvez with the vino !

Too much Turkey for Mike !

Frankie Laying on Bed

Frankie Laying on Bed

Frankie Laying on Bed

Emma's first US Passport

Emma and her first passport

Emma reading the FT

Emma and her Teddy