Parbery Family WebSite
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Nicole & Emma at Mexican for bfast in CO Springs

Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs

Nicole in front of Pikes Peak

Stewart on top of Mount Bierstadt on Nov 9th 01

Mountain View From Pikes Peak, CO

Nicole & Emma at Gallery in Santa Fe, NM

Stewart Climbs Bierstadt, Colorado in Nov 01

Stewart hiking at Chasm Lake with Parvez & Mark in November

Lunch in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Small Stream by roadside in Colorado

Estes Park, a favourite hiking location for us

I'm hiking up the Chasm Lake Trail

Longs Trail - on the route to Lake Chasm

Mark and his son William

Picnic in May at Rocky Mountain National Park in Estes

Little critter came to share Emmas Picnic food

Me behind the wheel of the Land Rover

Drinks after a day on the slopes at Beaver Creek

Mark shows he hasn't lost the knack !

After a long day skiing, some big steaks and fish and cold beer at the local bar