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Sushi Den Restaurant on Pearl St, Best Sushi in USA

Nicole & Emma in front of the Kitchen

Emma Loves Sushi Den !

Emma smiling seated in the couch at the Sushi Restaurant

Mark and his daughter Sarah - note no Sushi between the teeth !

Saber watches Mark and Sarah closely to learn how to use Chopsticks - Bloody Redneck !

Regular Crowd of us at Sushi Den

Another shot of the crowd before we tuck into more Sushi !

Who said we ordered too much sushi ?

Saber and the Sushi Den Bill !!

WashPark Bars Restaurants on Gaylord St - Japon another local Sushi haunt !

Thursday Night at WashPark Grille, nice scenary - Bill, Pamesh and Saber

Daniel, Bill, Pamesh and Saber

Last few drinks then off to Japon for some good sushi

Saber wearing Emma's little hat

Emma and her little pink hat

The crowd of us at Japon, local Sushi bar by the house

Emma loves Miso Soup at Sushi Restaurants

Emma says MORE MISO !

Saber ponders are these chopsticks or poles for my green beans in the garden

Plate of Sushi - GREAT

Plate of Rolls

Emma asleep after her Miso Soup

Pamesh and Emma at Japon

Saber takes us to Mortons for a BIG steak

Saber carrying Amy's bag and his left-overs !

Vicki, Bridget and Nicole

Outside Sushi Den afterwards